
« We must learn to speak climate /

Il faut apprendre à parler climat »

F. Herbert Dune

Stéphane La Branche

Chercheur indépendant et climatologue de la société (ou sociologue du climat!), ce sont les interactions entre nos activités et la nature dans les deux sens qui me fascinent.

Independent reseacher and social climatologist (or climate and energy sociologist ), I am fascinated by the interactions between our activities and nature, be they negative, positive or neutral.

Especially, I aim to understand the individual, collective and institutional drivers of behavioural change and non change in ecological transition efforts since 2002 in several areas: adaptation to climate change, mobility, sobriety, territorial policies, town planning, social representations, perceptions, behaviors, institutional identity and operations… I have contributed to several territorial and national level policies and strategies.

Scientific coordinator of the GIECO / IPBC (go check it out!!! IPBC Home | International Panel on Behavior Change) since 2019, my researches have led me to contribute to and work with many different institutions (international, European and national in different countries), as well as well as numerous Territorial Climate Plans in France.

Contact me at : stephane.labranche@ipbc-science.org


Independent researcher, social climatologist since 2003, with over 35 empirical studies in several countries.

Scientific affiliation

IPBC scientific coordinator, expert reviewer for the 5th and 6th IPCC AR reports, associate researcher and teacher Pacte, Sciences Po Grenoble


Elaboration and analysis of ecological public policies, strategies, measures and programs at the territorial and national levels

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